human rights campaign


It’s pride month! We have been celebrating pride month every June to honour the Stonewall Riots in Manhattan during the Gay Liberation Movement in 1969. Many countries around the world celebrate this with pride parades, concerts, parties, picnics, workshops and much more. The purpose of this month is to recognise and support the important impacts the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) community and individuals had throughout history.

As you may know, New York’s Pride Parade is the most famous one, however many cities and countries around the world are also contributing to this important month. London is currently organising a 10K run in Hyde Park and donating all the money they raise to GoldenGiving to help continue these fun events that bring the different communities together. Geneva is also organising many different conferences giving advice and knowledge on what it feels like to be LGBTQ in the workplace, LGBTQ rights in their country and how Switzerland contributes to this topic.

For the last year I have been coaching male to female transgender clients at The London Transgender Clinic, the only Clinic in the UK providing a full range of Gender Affirming surgery and services under one roof. During coaching sessions we work on breaking away from masculine habits and retraining the body in some of the many areas of female behaviour including feminine gestures, walking gracefully in heels and even holding a teacup! Sometimes even slight variations can create significant changes.

We also learn how to understand one’s body type and how to create the best feminine appearance by using enhancing and masking techniques. Recording some of our sessions helps my clients to track their progress, improve their overall image and increase their confidence. Coaching is offered in a supportive environment exclusively at the Clinic.

Celebrating and putting forward the importance of having peace between communities is a crucial part of becoming a fairer society. It is a fun yet important way to support this community that has faced so many problems. It is important to show love and support to those who don’t feel accepted in our society.

Julia Esteve

The Etiquette Consultant