Top 10 Tips for Working From Home (or Home Schooling)

Millions of people around the world are now finding themselves temporarily working from home and a few days after the reality sinks in most people will need to refocus and find their rhythm. While some people will happily (and even successfully) work from their bed while wearing pyjamas all day, there are others who will need to be more organized and disciplined.

I often spend days working from home, so here a few tips that I can share based on my experience and this is how I plan to manage the next few weeks while my 3 children are home schooling alongside me during this current lockdown in Switzerland.

1. Pretend you’re actually going to the office (or school)

Do all the things you'd normally do to prepare for a day at work/school. Get up at a similar time, have breakfast. I recommend to shower and brush teeth etc., as usual. It gets the day off to a good start. Surprisingly my children seem to be getting out of bed without any of the usual complaints!

2. Get dressed

Not everyone will agree with this, my husband certainly doesn’t :) and I’m not suggesting that you have to dress up as if you’re leaving for the office but believe it or not your appearance does have an impact on how you feel. Making an effort to actually get dressed will help you feel ready to face the days tasks. It’s important to be comfortable and obviously if you have a video conference then you can make more of an effort.

3. Have a workspace – separate from family space

Not easy if the entire family is at home but if possible find a space of your own where you can concentrate without distractions. If family members have to work in close proximity for example at the dining table then listening to some music on headphones can help (listening to music while you work can help boost productivity levels and enhance creativity according to reports)!

4. Get started on time (more or less)

It’s easy to enjoy a second coffee, or watch the morning news a little longer but it’s important to get started as soon as you can otherwise you’ll be more likely to procrastinate and one way to work from home productively is to get started before the distractions keep you busy for hours! Again… trust me on this! It’s only Day 2 but my children all start their assigned schoolwork at 8.30am.

5. Have structure to your day

Set mini deadlines for tasks and have goals for each day if you have a tendency to get distracted. Plan times to have breaks and lunch. Having this structure actually does help us to focus and get more done. Again, we need to be realistic and flexible but having the baseline there to follow is a good starting point.

6. Avoid distractions

Social media can consume so much time if we’re not careful. When we’re in a normal working environment we may use it from time to time throughout the day but at home it can be so much more appealing. If you really love social media, try to shut it off during the times you’re working and save it for breaktimes. Some people will work better with the TV on in the background, others won’t. It’s a learning curve and if you don’t know your limitations now, trust me you will soon!

7. Take breaks

Take some time to get away from your desk. Go for a walk outside or make a phone call or even better if you’re self-isolating, make a video call to a friend or colleague. Have a snack or coffee at this time, it will help to avoid snacking throughout the day. Breaks can recharge us, increase productivity levels and help us refocus.

8. Plan your meals if possible

If you spend too much time cooking lunch this is time you wouldn't have spent cooking if you'd been at the office. Try to prepare lunch the night before so you don’t waste time in the kitchen, unless you love cooking of course and then it can be a nice distraction from work. Otherwise you can use the time to really enjoy your lunch break for example exercise…

9. Exercise … do something

Allow yourself some time to exercise or at least get some fresh air. Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you can’t do this during working hours. Take a longer lunch or finish earlier than you would if you were in the office. In reality you’re probably not actually working 100% of the time when you're in an office anyway. Working from home is more condensed than working in an office so allow yourself some time to be active, even 30 minutes will do the world of good.

10. Finish on Time

Allow the working day to come to an end. I speak from experience, it’s so easy to work on into the evening and beyond. Just as you set a start time in the morning, plan to finish at a reasonable time and then leave/clear the workspace.

Enjoy the rest of the day feeling a sense of accomplishment!

For more useful advice about Homeworking and Homeschooling read here: MindGenius

There’s also a great guide to creating a healthy and productive workspace at home from The Cotswald Co.

Julia Esteve

The Etiquette Consultant