The Online Interview - How To Make A Great Impression

Candidates today have more opportunities than ever before to showcase their skills and personalities to prospective employers. Job seekers must take advantage of the various interviewing platforms available. One interview format that is often overlooked is the virtual interview. Though it may seem less formal than a personal meeting in person or over the phone, job applicants should still prepare for an online interview as though it were any other opportunity to land their dream job.

As an applicant, it is important to remember that the impression you make during the interview is just as critical as it would be in person. Here are some tips on how to make a positive impression during your online job interview.

Tips for Making a Good First Impression

1. Create a Self-Introductory Video

When you embark on a job interview, you want to put your best foot forward. Having a stellar video introduction can help make a positive impression on potential employers and show them what you're all about. Start with an attention-grabbing statement and be personable and friendly. Make it short and sweet, a few details can help your viewers feel as if they know you. Assess that your video is of great quality and appears well onscreen. Also, the more comfortable you are with your intro, the better it will come across so practice before making the introduction. Lastly, give them a compelling call to action that explains what you want them to do next.

2. Be Prepared

If you are selected for a virtual interview make sure to be prepared. Research the company and the position you're interviewing for. Whether it's your first time interviewing for a specific company or you're hoping to move up in your current field, it's wise to do your research. Knowing what the company is looking for and what to expect in the interview process will help you be successful. This will help you understand what the company values and how your skills can be a perfect fit.

3. Check Internet and Webcam

Test your internet and webcam connection ahead of time to ensure no issues. If there are, try to fix them before the interview. Also, be aware of potential distractions and how you can minimize them. For example, make sure you're in a quiet room with proper lighting and turn off notifications on your phone or computer.

4. Show Up On Time

One of the most important things you can do is show up on time. Punctuality is key when it comes to impressing potential employers. Being late tells the interviewer that you're unprofessional and disorganized which may ruin your chances of getting the job, so be sure to arrive on time.

5. Dress Professionally

Many applicants underestimate the importance of their appearance and attire in an online interview. But, your outfit can say a lot about you and help you stand out from the other candidates. Dress like you would for an in-person interview. Even if the company doesn’t have a dress code, it’s always safest to dress conservatively. Avoid bright colors or busy patterns. Stick to neutrals like black, navy, or beige. Groom as carefully as you would do in face-to-face interviews and keep accessories minimalistic. Check yourself before the interview to ensure you're prepared.

6. Be Aware Of Your Body Language

Your body language can be just as relevant as what you say during the interview. Make sure you're aware of how you're coming across to the interviewer and make adjustments if necessary. You want to appear confident and interested in the position, not tense or disinterested. Make eye contact with your interviewer. Sit up straight and lean slightly forward. Be sure to smile, nod when the interviewee speaks and maintain proper posture. Your interviewer will be able to see and hear you, so make sure you appear confident and professional.

7. Be Mindful of Your Background

One thing to keep in mind is your background. Make sure you're aware of what's visible in the camera frame and that there aren't any distracting objects behind you. Try to find a well-lit space with a plain background, and if possible, take-down any personal photos or posters that might give away too much about your life outside of work. By paying attention to these minor details, you will make a better impression and feel more secure throughout the interview.

Take Away

Given how tough it is to obtain work these days, applicants must perform admirably at every stage of the application process in order to be hired. With unemployment rates remaining high, the competition for open positions is fierce. If you're blessed enough to land an interview, especially if it's an online interview, you should take it seriously. Even if the hiring manager is just looking for a general idea of who you are and what you're capable of, a lack of seriousness could cost you the opportunity. Making sure you shine during the interview is so important for convincing the recruiter that you are perfectly suited for the position.

Thank you to Ronie Salazar from for this useful and relevant article!

Julia Esteve Boyd

The Etiquette Consultant